So I move back to Texas in almost exactly 4 months! I'm very very excited to finally be back there and to have my husband home!! Kendall has been doing pretty well. He has been rather homesick lately, which is hard. And I have been missing him more and more each day. However, Some really neat things have happened lately for him, which is very exciting!
A few months ago I did a post of how Kendall received "Soldier of the Month." Well after that he also received "Soldier of the Quarter." I am so proud of him!! That is very cool and he will hopefully be promoted in the next month or so!
This past week, Kendall got the chance to meet the Secretary of Defense as well as Katie Couric! Very cool!
Not too much more has been happening with Kendall recently...
I am still doing school, going to graduate at the end of the summer. I am also still working at Bed Bath and Beyond and hoping to transfer to the store in Texas after my move. :)
Overall things are going really well right now. It's really hard feeling like we are just waiting to get our lives back, but I fight that everyday and try to make the most of the time! I very much enjoy getting this chance to be home with my family again! I will miss everyone so much when I leave!
Well have a great night, sorry for such a short post.
There are a few things that I have been almost completely obsessed with/loving lately! I wanted to share those with you today :)
#1. My newest pair of TOMS shoes. If you don't know about TOMS check out their website HERE. For every pair of TOMS you purchase, they donate a pair to a child who needs shoes. :) They are incredibly comfortable and they have several different styles of shoes depending on your need! I pretty much live in mine lately, they are definitely a favorite!
#2. Mumford & Sons!
I seriously listen to them almost every day. I absolutely love them!
#3. Hot Tea and TeaGschwender TeaGschwender is a German tea retailer located mostly in other countries but they have stores in Chicago, New York, and Ann Arbor Michigan. You can also shop online HERE However, if you are in the Chicago area (or any other location) definitely stop in! It's an experience of it's own. You just need to be there and experience the smells and tastes!
#4. StumbleUpon StumbleUpon is a website that can keep my interested for hours! You put in your interests which range from art to sciences to architecture to travel and much much more! Then you simply click the STUMBLE button and they find websites within your interests! It's amazing the things I have find on the internet that are inspiring and so creative! Definitely check it out HERE.
#5. Yoga Now this isn't a new interest for me, as I have loved yoga for a long time, however I am just now starting to get back into it. Not only is it incredibly relaxing, but it has so many benefits for the body as well! I did an entire post on it a few months back. Check it out HERE!
#6. Running When I started running it was such a chore! But lately it has really become so much more than that! I feel so alive when I'm outside simply running. It has been great as my body as gotten stronger and I can run farther and farther. If you can't run, just walk or be outside, not only is great exercise but it's also amazing just to get outside and be surrounded by our beautiful world!
There are so many more, but i'll save those for another post :)