Monday, September 20, 2010

It's good to be home.

When Dorthy says "There's no place like home" she has a lot of wisdom in that. Whatever home is for you, there is no place that that one when things are rough. It's also just as amazing when things are good too :)

I know, even from only a few days, that it's so good that I'm home during this time apart from Kendall. I would be struggling so much had I decided to stay at Fort Hood. That would have been a really hard things to deal with. Its wonderful to be home around my family, friends and just in a town I know and love. This place is truly my home, from the endless horizon to coffee shops. I absolutely love it here. Although I wish Kendall could be here with me.

Here is a little picture highlight of the past few months. Most of these pictures I finally got off my camera and some of these are very recent from the last few days.

Not too long ago we went boating with some friends. While we were there we went tubing! Here are Kendall and I tubing.

This was taken while we were at SeaWorld in July, waiting in a long line.

a few miles south of Austin, TX is this area with some hiking and waterfalls that people swim in! It was so much fun swimming in it.

Kendall's formation before he left for his deployment

The boys carrying Kendall's bags to drop them off

Well this is just a small preview of some of the pictures i've taken recently. I will do another post like this soon with some pictures that are more recent.

Have a great day!

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