Thursday, July 29, 2010

This week is going by very fast

Currently listening: Sufjan Stevens - Come on! Feel the Illinoise!

Man, it's already Thursday!! I totally thought it was Wednesday! I was so surprised when Kendall told me it was Thursday lol. definitely a good thing though. That means the weekend is here a lot sooner. Which mean Kendall doesn't have to work!! YAY

I'm very excited because in about a week and a half we get to go home for a week! I can't wait to see my family and everyone again. I miss everybody so much!! However, going home also means that Kendall is leaving soon, which isn't as exciting. However, its all a part of this life, so i'm okay with it. I just want to get it over with. Thank God i'm moving home to be around my family, I would go crazy if I stayed here!!! There is very little to do here. When I actually move home i'll be looking for a full-time job to keep my busy and to help us save some more money.

Kendall and I have decided that for the next 3 years we are going to save money like crazy and we will hopefully be able to put somewhere around 100,000 dollars down on a house in Bloomington!! If we play our cards right we will have our house totally paid off before we are 25. and then we will be completely debt free for the rest of our lives! With no mortgage think of how much money we can save!! I'm very excited. I'm also very glad to finally have some focus with our money.

Budgeting money is such a pain in the butt, but i've started to realize the benefit of keeping track of it. When you have a successful budget (which can take several months to truly be successful) you really have control over where your money goes. About 2 weeks ago I finally started actually writing all our expenses down in a checkbook register on excel. It has amazed me how much money we spend that isn't budgeted in! Fast food, extra items at walmart, even extra groceries, It has all totally surprised me. I didn't realize how far off our budget we actually went. Needless to say, we will be doing a lot better in the future! (of course in a little over a month Kendall leaves and our budget changes again! ha)

well have a great day!

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