Saturday, January 23, 2010

I wish so badly I could sleep.

So it's 2:30ish in the morning... I can't sleep. This is pretty typical lately. I don't really sleep in that late. usually around 9:30 ish. But I've been like this in the past. Before Kendall came home for Exodus I was like this too. Maybe it's excitement. Maybe nerves. Maybe not related at all. Who knows...
On the plus side, I get a lot accomplished! The other night I did my laundry around 12:30 in the morning. That was nice! i have clothes again. I always wait until I am completely out of clothes to do the laundry. When Kendall was home he did all the laundry and stuff because I was always at class or working. So when we have our own place I want it to be the opposite. I want to take care of our home. I seriously can not wait!
So next week me and my dad are taking a trip down to Georgia to look at places for me to live. I'm really excited to look at the places and I'm really hoping that I can find the right place. I'm just going to have to trust that God will work it all out so that I will find it! I know that he will provide for me. He always does!
It's been incredible watching God work in Kendall's life, and in mine. Although I grew up in the church, I never really had a relationship with Christ. I actually wanted nothing to do with it. Kendall didn't really know what he believed or anything. We were both very hesitant when it came to things like religion. But after we got married we went on a retreat with our church group (We had only been attending for 3 weeks when we went) about a week before he left for the army and it changed everything. We saw everything differently. And I can honestly say that I could not do this whole process without God working in my life. It's been amazing see God work in Kendall's. He now has regular Bible studies with some of his friend in Basic and often leads them. He loves to tell stories from the Bible to his friends. And he really has a passion for those close to him to have a relationship with Christ. It's so cool to think that about 3 months ago we didn't even really believe in God and now he is the center of our lives. And it feels amazing!
Well i should probably attempt to sleep now. I have a big day tomorrow! I get to meet another Army wife who lives near me! I am really excited for it!


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