Friday, June 28, 2013

Fine Art Friday

So I am trying to create some more regular pieces of my blog that really encompasses who I am what is important to me. One of those things is my photography.  I love to go out and take pictures of nature and things around me within my view of the world.  I have always been drawn in my the details of the world around us. I like to get close to things so I can see them in a different way than what you would typically see. I want to be able to share those pieces of the world with all of you. I want you to be able to see the world a bit like I do. 

So I am beginning Fine Art Fridays. I will share my Photography, sometimes it will be recent, sometimes it may be older work that I still love. 

These images were taken Spring 2013. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I Was a Preemie Once?

10 months ago my baby girl was born 7 weeks early at 4lbs 11oz.  She spent 2 weeks in the NICU. It was definitely a journey that we did not expect to have happen! However, my tiny little girl has grown into such a big girl! She is now nearly 21 lbs! She is in the 75th percentile for her age and has been in 18 month clothing for the last month and a half! I can't believe how big she has gotten. She definitely adds so much joy to my life. I would not have life any other way!

One of her favorite activities is to play with her Uncle Austin. She loves to watch him play guitar and will always follow him around when he's home. It's definitely one of my favorite things to watch (although it drive him crazy sometimes, naturally). I just love how drawn she is to music. She loves to play with the guitar or play the piano. She always gets this huge smile on her face!

The other day she was watching Austin play again and I just had to take some pictures of it because it was just too cute! So I wanted to share them with you :)

Crusty little nose! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Such a Lovely Start to Summer

Hey all, I know, I know, it's been 6 months since I've posted! Sorry about that! I hate that I don't post as often as I once have.  Things are definitely different now that I have a 10 month old... That's right, She's 10 months old! Time sure flies. Things have been so much fun with her though.  Last week I bought her a kiddie pool to play in. Although, the water was too cold so she played outside of the pool.

I now have 8 teeth! And I'm working on my 9th! 
I love to kick my legs in excitement every time someone picks me up! 
I love to share my toys with you!
I always try to put it into your mouth too! 
I love to eat! Especially food that Mommy is eating! 

I love to crawl around and climb up on anything I can!
I also like to hold your hands and walk around the room!  

I just discovered that I can dance when music is being played! 

I'm a really good sleeper at night now! I sleep all night and then wake up with the sun!
I don't nap very long though. I just want to be a part of everything! 

Water does not scare me at all! I am a little fish!
When I sat on the beach, I wasn't even scared when the waves crashed on me! 

I'm a total poker face. I am always trying to figure things out! 

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