Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Week of Improvements

Marie has been doing so well over the last few days! When she first arrived at the NICU she had to breathe with a CPAP machine, however now she is breathing completely on her own.  She is also feeding really well.  She actually gets really upset because they don't feed her enough.  The nurses tend to feed her more than they are supposed to because she would get so fussy.

They have also begun the process of getting her to be able to maintain her own temperature.  She is now able to wear clothing and they watch her temperature throughout the day waiting for her to get warm in the heated bed. Once she gets hots they turn down the temperature of her bed.  Once they get to 28 degrees Celsius they will take her out of the incubator and put her in a regular crib!

On Saturday we began the process of trying to breastfeed her.  She doesn't quite understand it yet, but we are trying once a day for now and once she gets it a little better we will try it more often each day.  We are guessing that the longest part of her stay in the NICU will be from getting used to feeding.

I have been taking several pictures of our little cutie each day! Here are some of the ones I've taken:

Left: Daddy was giving her a bath today :) She hated the bath portion, but was very calm and content after she was dried and in fresh clothing! 

Overall she has been doing really well!! I can't wait til she can finally join us at home! 



Monday, August 20, 2012

Marie Isabella Gilliam | C-Section Birth Story

Last night at 6:05 pm, our baby girl Marie made her entrance into the world weighing 4 lbs 11 oz and measuring 16 and 1/2 inches.  She was born at 33 weeks.

When I woke up Saturday morning, I thought it was going to be a typical day here in the hospital.  Typically my days consisted of 3 meals, 3 snacks, a non-stress test to look at baby, and getting my vitals checked occasionally.  However, right around lunch time I started getting some lower abdomen pain and some cramping.

After my NST (non-stress test) they decided they needed to further monitor me over in labor and delivery.  Around 4 pm, my contractions got much stronger and my pain continued.  They made the decision that leaving me contracting was not worth the risk of bleeding for me and Marie.  So they started setting up for a c-section.  They didn't want to try to stop the contractions because of the pain I was experiencing as well. They just needed to get Marie out.

Before we headed to the OR for the C-Section, several people came in and asked me a hundred questions. I was a little overwhelmed, but continued to ask the Lord for peace and he really helped calm me down throughout the process.  We headed to the OR about 545 and Marie was born 20 minutes later.  They did a spinal instead of an epidural and I was so numb that I didn't even know they had started the procedure or that anything was happening to me at all. I didn't even feel any pressure like they had said I would.  I was so thankful that the Lord really took care of my nerves and pain as I was very overwhelmed with the process and really could have had to be completely knocked out if I hadn't trusted the Lord.

After she was born they brought her to me for a few seconds so I could see her and then Kendall followed them to the NICU while they sewed me back up. About 6 hours later I finally had feeling in my legs again, so  we went for a little walk and then the nurse took me to the NICU to see my little girl.

It was absolutely amazing that she was so perfect! Although I go home tomorrow, she will probably be here for a few weeks.  They want to get her to be able to breathe completely on her own, to be able to maintain her body temperature, and to be able to feed on her own.  Once she gets there she will be able to come home with us! We can't wait til that finally becomes a reality!

She looks just like her daddy! Hopefully as she grows she will get a few more of mine :)

Love you!

Friday, August 17, 2012

My Homemade Newborn Cloth Diapers

So I have been sewing my entire newborn stash of cloth diapers, which has been so much fun! I love making them! I wish I had a sewing machine here in the hospital so I could keep working on them though, because I didn't get as many made as I had hoped to. However, my grandmother will also be making me several, so that will be a huge blessing! Especially since a newborn will go through more diapers a day than an older baby/toddler.

All of these diapers are fitted diapers, so they are not water proof, but water resistent. During the day I can leave them without a cover if I want to, however I will be making some wool covers to put over them and possibly a few waterproof covers after she is born.

By making my own newborn diapers I saved about $250 on newborn cloth diapers alone!! This does not include the money we will save by not using disposables.  On my OS diapers I will save at least $150-$450 on those cloth diapers.  Making them definitely takes more time and effort, but the savings is fantastic! Plus this way I have creative choices.
You can watch here how I made these diapers! This is a multiple part series, but here it part 1:

Here are some of the diapers that I have made! (Lots of pictures! Sorry!)

All-In-One Hybrid Fitted
Above:  This was my first diaper.
Closure: Velcro
Inner fabric: Flannel
Outer fabric: Flannel
Hidden layer: fleece
Soaker: 2 layers of terry towel

All-In-One Hybrid Fitted
Above: This was my second diaper.
Closure: Velcro

Inner fabric: Micro-fleece
Outer fabric: Flannel
Hidden layer: fleece
Soaker: 2 layers of terry towel

Birds All-In-Two Hybrid Fitted 

Inner fabric: Flannel
Outer fabric: Eco Fleece
Hidden Soaker:  1 layer of terry towel

Separate Soaker:
2 layers microfiber
1 layer terry towel
surrounded by flannel

The remaining diapers have no closures, I plan to use either snappis or boingos to hook them.

Left: Front
Left: Back
 Left: Outside
Left: Inside and soaker
 Left:  The front rise is folded down to make the diaper even smaller.  Will be good to fit a smaller baby and under the umbilical cord.

Breast Cancer All-In-Two Hybrid Fitted
Inner fabric: Micro-Fleece
Outer fabric: Flannel
Hidden fabric: Fleece
Hidden Soaker:  1 layer of terry towel

Separate Soaker:
2 layers microfiber
1 layer terry towel
surrounded by flannel

 A part of the stash picture

Houses All-In-Two Hybrid Fitted
Inner fabric: Micro-Fleece
Outer fabric: Eco Fleece
Hidden fabric: fleece
Hidden Soaker:  1 layer of terry towel

Separate Soaker:
2 layers microfiber
1 layer terry towel
surrounded by flannel and micro fleece

 Owl All-In-Two Hybrid Fitted 
Inner fabric: Micro-Fleece
Outer fabric: Flannel
Hidden fabric: fleece
Hidden Soaker:  1 layer of terry towel

Separate Soaker:
2 layers microfiber
1 layer terry towel
surrounded by flannel and micro fleece

Stripes All-In-Two Hybrid Fitted
Sorry it's sideways... I don't know how to rotate it on here.

Inner fabric: Flannel
Outer fabric:Flannel
Hidden fabric: fleece
Hidden Soaker:  1 layer of terry towel

Separate Soaker:
2 layers microfiber
1 layer terry towel
surrounded by flannel

 Green Plaid All-In-Two Hybrid Fitted
Inner fabric: Flannel
Outer fabric: Flannel
Hidden fabric: fleece
Hidden Soaker:  1 layer of terry towel

Separate Soaker:
2 layers microfiber
1 layer terry towel
surrounded by flannel

Although these are not all the ones I made, this shows the different fabric choices I have. I have several diapers that look very similar because of the fabric choices.  When I get home I would like to make a few more newborn diapers if I have the time and energy. But then I need to get started on her bigger One-Size diapers.  The one size diapers can change size with snaps making them bigger and smaller.

What do you think of my diapers? Have you ever made any cloth diapers? I'd love to see them!

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